Saturday, October 31, 2015

Scribble Roundup

Yes, I finally snapped out of my unpoetical slump or slough and got busy working on the scribbles in the pile of notebooks that does so much to make the place look like a paper warehouse or a hoarder startup.  So there are things of mine online and more to come.  These are the places to beware.!89robertgregory/c21cx

And I should have mentioned there have been things in calibanonline right along, all visible in the archives.  I had pieces in #2, #4, #8 and then after a pause some recent things this summer in #20.

I have to confess that I enjoyed the extra arbitrary twist that a word count or line count limit put on me sometimes, as with Right Hand Pointing and One Sentence Poem, and with a piece I have coming out in 100 Word Story.  Maybe it's helpful in making those last cuts you really should make but don't want to.  Or maybe it's just that thing cats like to themselves exactly into a space just big enough for a cat.  And then sit there and look serene and enigmatic.

photo: Karah Stokes 

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